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Unfallkasse Rhineland-Palatinate & Health Research Network

networked for the health of caregivers in Rhineland-Palatinate

The Rhineland-Palatinate Accident Insurance Fund

The Rhineland-Palatinate Accident Insurance Fund and the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society have joined forces to promote prevention and health promotion at work. We implement our joint mission through information and advice as well as education and research.

"Around 1.5 million people in Rhineland-Palatinate are covered by statutory accident insurance through the Unfallkasse. Those insured include employees in the public sector, volunteers, for example in voluntary fire departments, first aiders and domestic helpers in private households. With 820,000 boys and girls in daycare facilities, schoolchildren and students, school accident insurance is the largest group of insured persons." (UK RLP 2020)

"In the past, prevention work mainly focused on safety measures. Today, prevention in the sense of the legal mandate of accident insurance  includes the prevention of accidents at work, occupational illnesses and work-related health risks. It is based on the totality of technical, organizational, behavioral, social, psychological and occupational health measures, including first aid and workplace health promotion."(UK-RLP 2020)

We are particularly committed to supporting and developing the nursing profession. This is why the joint Conference on Health Promotion and Prevention in Nursing  on current topics at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society together with the Rhineland-Palatinate Accident Insurance Fund and the Rhineland-Palatinate State Chamber of Nursing.

Contact us

Dr. Andrea Kuhn

Andrea Kuhn

Leitung Forschungsnetzwerk Gesundheit

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 – 6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 621 5203-244+49 152 21884938