PRO*PFLEGE: Nursing ethics - health promotion - professionalism
Below you will find the conference contributions and the presentations approved by the speakers. The speakers retain all rights and obligations to the presentations:
- Vision PRO*PFLEGE Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen
The mission - promoting nursing practice
- Franziskusstiftung für Pflege Hans-Josef Börsch, Chairman
- Rhineland-Palatinate State Chamber of Nursing Andrea Bergsträßer, Vice President
PRO*PFLEGE - Program insights
- Preventing and dealing with mental stress and suicidal tendencies Mathias Welberts, Heidelberg University Hospital
- Personnel development, organizational development and occupational health managementProf. Dr. Peter Mudra, HWG Ludwigshafen
- Nursing ethics - professional resource and active health promotion Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen
PRO*PFLEGE - Program results
Concepts for health promotion, participants of the PRO*PFLEGE certificate course
- Induction of nursing staff with a migration background. MORE THAN A WELCOMING CULTURE - PARTICIPATION AS AN APPROACH FOR PRACTICEMonika Bohnert, Nathalia Buchholz, Franziska Fritz, Sven Lefkowitz.
- Supporting employees in their relationship work with people with dementia. Systemic counseling in hospitalsAnke Kessler, Madeleine Welter, Wolfgang Werland, Indrit Bequiri.
- Seminar to promote self-care and mental hygiene Alina Huber, Lisa Georgens, Jasmin Reschner, Yvonne Schulze.
- Implementation of collegial counseling to reduce stress and prevent burnout among nursing staffMelanie Casper, Liliana Mros-Schuler, Monika Wiedemann.
- Evaluation results of the pilot project Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen
Digitalization in care - challenge or opportunity for the health of care professionals
- Greeting from the Minister of State Mr Alexander Schweizer, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization Rhineland-Palatinate
- Digitalization - health resource or burden. Dr. Christoph Heidrich, Rhineland-Palatinate Accident Insurance Fund
Job satisfaction and digitalization
- Job satisfaction and job retention - the human resource Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen.
- Digi2care - Study on the digitalization of care in Rhineland-Palatinate Prof. Dr. Frank Weidner, German Institute for Applied Nursing Research e.V.
Digitalization in nursing practice
- Development of an AI system for the early detection of delirium to relieve the burden on nursing practiceTabea Rambach, M.Sc., Institute for People, Technology and Participation, Furtwangen University.
- Digital technologies for the care of people with dementia Prof. Dr. Peter König, Institute for People, Technology and Participation, Furtwangen University.
- Integrating care into the telematics infrastructure Jens Weiske, C&S Computer und Software GmbH.
Digitalization in nursing teaching
- Onlinecampus Nursing - Learning digitization online. Stefanie Wullf, University of Hildesheim
- Digital education in continuing nursing education - challenge or resource Katharina Wettich-Hauser, Dipl. Pflegewirtin, Quality Health Organization
- Skills lab and digital learning tools - possibilities, benefits and limitations Kirsten Ahrens, Dipl. Pflegewirtin, degree programs nursing, HWG Ludwigshafen
Digitalization in the care process
- Videovisite in nursing homes - a resource for professional nursing care Daniel Sheperd Parker & Oliver Beier, kreuznacher diakonie foundation
- Care classification systems in the digital patient/resident file Sebastian Kraus, RECOM GmbH (a company of the Thieme Group)
Driver or driven?
- Nursing and digitalization - take home messages and outlook Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra and Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network