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PRO*PFLEGE - Research Network Health & Graduate School Rhein Neckar together for nursing care

Your team in the certificate course PRO*PFLEGE

Our expertise to increase your action competence

You benefit from a high-caliber team with a wide range of expertise. The lecturers work at universities and freelance in various educational institutions. They represent the wide-ranging expertise of the nursing profession in education, management, research and practice! The PRO*PFLEGE team has many years of experience in the conception, management, implementation and scientific support of educational events. All lecturers are cooperation partners in the PRO*PFLEGE project, they are responsible for the implementation of the pilot course and for the sustainable continuation of the offer. Your team in detail:

Karola Becker

Marte Meo colleague trainer

Karola Becker is a qualified social worker (FH), nursing consultant (FHM), case manager (DGCC), Marte Meo practitioner, Marte Meo therapist/ colleague trainer, Marte Meo supervisor, certified trainer "Ways out of the stress trap" and nursing specialist. You can find more information about Karola Becker Coaching here

Andrea Bergsträßer

Vice-President of the Rhineland-Palatinate Chamber of Nursing Care

Ms.Andrea Bergsträßer is Vice President of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Chamber of Nursing. She is responsible for the fields of professional regulations and professional development. She holds a degree in nursing management and an MSc in health economics. As Director of Nursing, she manages the nursing division at Westpfalz-Klinikum GmbH. She is a nursing specialist (RN) with a focus on pediatric nursing. Further information on the Vice President of the  State Chamber of Nursing can be found here, and information on the professional regulations for nursing professionals in Rhineland-Palatinate can be found here

Hans-Josef Börsch

Chairman Professional Association Nursing Management, LG RLP

Mr. Hans-Josef Börsch is Head of Human Resources Development and Nursing Policy at cusanus trägergesellschaft trier (cttmbH). He is Human Ressorts Manager, Professional Project Manager (PPM), education for nursing professions and maternity care and nursing specialist (RN). In an honorary capacity, he is Chairman of the Professional Association of Nursing Management, Regional Group RLP and Deputy Federal Chairman, member of the German Nursing Council (DPR) and the German-Chinese Society for Nursing e.V., Chairman of the Franziskus Foundation for Nursing and Chairman of the Statutory Committee of the LPFK RLP.

Dr. Christoph Heidrich

RLP Accident Insurance Fund

Dr. Christoph Heidrich is head of the Safety - Health - Participation (SGT) department, focus on prevention at Unfallkasse Rhineland-Palatinate.

Prof. Dr. Karin Kersting

Nursing Scientist

Prof. Dr. Karin Kersting has been Professor of Nursing Science at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Faculty of Social and Health Care (FB IV) since 2003. She is an educational scientist, teacher for nursing professions and nursing specialist. Further information on Prof. Dr. Kersting can be found here

Andrea Kuhn

Nursing Scientist

Ms. Andrea Kuhn, M.A. Nursing Science, B.A. Nursing & Health Promotion, heads the Health Research Network at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences. She is the project director of PRO*PFLEGE. As a freelance lecturer on nursing ethics, health promotion, nursing science, and professional policy, she is active in continuing education and higher education. She is a registered nurse (RN) with many years of professional experience in critical care nursing. You can find more information about Ms. Kuhn here

Prof. Dr. Settimio Monteverde

Nursing Ethicist

Prof. Dr. Settimio Monteverde is a lecturer in Nursing and Health Care Ethics with a focus on Nursing and Health Care Ethics in the Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Nursing at the Department of Health of the Bern University of Applied Sciences and Co-Head of Clinical Ethics at the University Hospital Zurich/University of Zurich. He is a nursing professional and nurse anesthetist, holds academic degrees in Medical Education, Applied Ethics and Theology as well as a PhD in Biomedical Ethics. You can find more information about Prof. Dr. Monteverde here

Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra

Human resources management and development

Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra has been a professor of business administration with a focus on human resources management and development at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society since 2000. He was President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society from 2010 to 2022. Prof. Dr. Mudra holds a degree in education and a doctorate in vocational education and has extensive experience in the development and design of vocational training programs. He has been working in vocational and academic further education for 25 years and has been responsible for the Human Resources Management further education course for 13 years. He is a business economist and trained banker. Further information on Prof. Dr. Mudra can be found here

Gernot Walter

Trainer Aggression- & Security Management

Mr. Gernot Walter is a senior nurse at the Center for Mental Health, Kreiskliniken Darmstadt-Dieburg, graduate nurse (FH), trainer & Trainer for aggression- & safety management (CONNECTING), nursing specialist and specialist nurse for psychiatry. You can find more information about Mr. Walter here and about CONNECTING Keeping in touch with safety  here.

Mathias Welberts

Systemic crisis counseling

Mr. Mathias Welberts is divisional head of PDL, ward manager of the early treatment center, nursing head of the outpatient clinic and central patient management of psychiatry at Heidelberg University Hospital. He is a nursing specialist and specialist nurse for psychiatry, practice instructor, systemic consultant and freelance lecturer at nursing schools and universities.

Katharina Wettich-Hauser

Coaching & Supervision

Ms. Katharina Wettich-Hauser, graduate in nursing (FH) with a focus on education and consulting, is a supervisor and quality manager in the health and social care sector. As a freelance lecturer for health promotion, supervision, coaching, consulting and mentoring she is active in further education and at universities. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner and unit manager. For more information about Ms. WettichHauser, click here.

Stephanie Wullf

Online Campus Maintenance

Ms. Stephanie Wullf, MAE, nursing specialist; is a research associate at the Institute for Social and Organizational Pedagogy at the University of Hildesheim and contact person for the research and development project "Onlinecampus Pflege". Detailed information about the project including the possibility to test the new digital learning tools for nursing can be found here

Sarah Demmel

Program Manager

Ms. Sarah Demmel is the program manager of the certificate course PRO*PFLEGE at the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar, the further education institution of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. You will also be supervised by the team of the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar, more detailed information can be found here

Contact us

Dr. Andrea Kuhn

Andrea Kuhn

Projektleiterin & NetzwerkkoordinatorinForschungsnetzwerk Gesundheit

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.129+49 621 5203-244+49 152 21884938