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Conference Program 3rd Symposium Health Promotion & Prevention in Care

06 - 07 November 2023

Program 3rd symposium for download

PRO*PFLEGE: Nursing Ethics - Health Promotion - Professionalization

Monday, 06.11.2023

10:30 Arrival and registration, visit of the marketplace of opportunities


Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG)

Greeting by State Secretary Dr. Fedor Ruhose

Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization Rhineland-Palatinate

Opening: Vision PRO*PFLEGE

Dr.Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen

The mission - promoting nursing practice

Dave Paulissen, Accident Insurance Fund Rhineland-Palatinate, Head of the Safety - Health - Participation Department

Hans-Josef Börsch, Franziskusstiftung für Pflege, Chairman

Andrea Bergsträßer, Rhineland-Palatinate Chamber of Nursing, Vice President


Networking over coffee & snacks, visit to the marketplace of opportunities


PRO*PFLEGE - program insights

˃ Preventing and dealing with mental stress and suicidality.

Mathias Welberts, Heidelberg University Hospital

˃ Prevention of and dealing with violence in nursing care

Gernot Walter, CONNECTING Amsterdam, Groß-Umstadt, Germany

˃Human resources development, organizational development and occupational health management

Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra, HWG Ludwigshafen

˃ Nursing ethics - professional resource and active health promotion

Prof. Dr. Settimio Monteverde, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.

˃ The assessment of the conference guests

14:30Networking over coffee & snacks, visit the marketplace of opportunities

PRO*PFLEGE - program results

˃ Concepts for health promotion

Participants of thecertificate course PRO*PFLEGE

> Questions of the conference guests

> Evaluation results of the pilot project

Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen


Ceremonial presentation of certificates

Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen

Ralf Blasek, Graduate School Rhein-Neckar (GSRN), Managing Director

˃ Nursing Professionals on the Way to PRO*PFLEGE. A humorous look back.

 Katharina Wettich-Hauser, Dipl. Pflegewirtin, Quality Health Organization.


Get together to celebrate the day

Conclusion of PRO*PFLEGE for body and soul

Feel at home with us in Ludwigshafen with chat, wine & snacks

Digitization in nursing - challenge or opportunity for the health of nursing professionals

Tuesday, 07.11.2023

8:30Arrival, visit of the marketplace of opportunities


Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, President of the HWG Ludwigshafen

Greeting by the Minister of State Mr. Alexander Schweitzer

Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization Rhineland-Palatinate

Opening: Digitalization - health resource or burden?

Dr. Christoph Heidrich, Rhineland-Palatinate Accident Insurance Fund, Member of the Executive Board

Job satisfaction and digitization

> Job satisfaction and career retention - the human resource

Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen

> Digi2care -Study on the digitalization of care in Rhineland-Palatinate

Nelly Harder, M.A., German Institute for Applied Nursing Research e.V.

> Questions and comments of the conference guests

10:30Networking over coffee and snacks, visit to the marketplace of opportunities

Digitalization in nursing practice

> Development of an AI system for early delirium detection to relieve the burden on nursing practice

Tabea Rambach, M.Sc., Institute People, Technology and Participation, HS Furtwangen.

> Digital technologies for the care of people with dementia

Prof. Dr. Peter König, Institute People, Technology and Participation, HS Furtwangen

> Integration of care into the telematics infrastructure

Bruno Ristok, C&S Computer und Software GmbH

> The assessment of the conference guests

12:30 Lunch break - snack and visit to the marketplace of opportunities

Digitalization in nursing education

> Onlinecampus nursing - learning digitalization online

Prof. Dr. Anne Maißner, University of Hildesheim, joint project management

>Digital education in nursing training - challenge or resource

Katharina Wettich-Hauser, Dipl. Pflegewirtin, Quality Health Organization

> Skills Lab and digital learning tools - possibilities, benefits and limitations

Kirsten Ahrens, graduate nursing economist, degree programs in nursing, HWG Ludwigshafen

> Comments of the conference guests

15:00Networking over coffee and snacks, visit to the marketplace of opportunities

Digitalization in the care process

> Videovisite in the nursing home - resource for professional nursing action

Daniel Sheperd Parker, kreuznacher diakonie foundation

> Nursing classification systems in the digital patient/resident file

Dr. Pia Wieteck, RECOM GmbH (a company of the Thieme Group)

> Digitization - Opportunity for Nursing - Panel Discussion with Plenary Involvement

Dr. Pia Wieteck, Prof. Dr. König, Daniel Shepard Parker, Bruno Ristok, Dr. Andrea Kuhn

Moderation Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra


Drivers or Driven?

> Nursing and Digitalization - Take Home Messages and Outlook to 2024

Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra and Dr. Andrea Kuhn, Health Research Network, HWG Ludwigshafen

Contact us

Dr. Andrea Kuhn

Andrea Kuhn

Leitung Forschungsnetzwerk Gesundheit

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 – 6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 621 5203-244+49 152 21884938