Our sponsors
The State of Rhineland-Palatinate

The pilot course PRO*PFLEGE: Nursing ethics - health promotion - professionalism was funded as a project of occupational health management (BGM) to strengthen the resilience of Rhineland-Palatinate nursing staff as part of the future program "Health and Care" of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate from November 2022 to December 2023. The funding was provided by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization (M ASTD) - projects in the field of occupational health management (BGM).
From the MASTD press release (2023): "The PRO*PFLEGE project marks the launch of a health education program for nursing professionals at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The aim of the project in the field of occupational health management is to strengthen the resilience of nursing professionals. The state government is funding the Health Research Network's resilience project with up to 90,000 euros from the "Health and Care" future program.
"Nursing staff are exposed to great physical and mental stress in their day-to-day work. Occupational health management and the prevention of physical and mental overload are therefore of great importance for securing skilled workers in the care sector. With our Skilled Workforce and Qualification Initiative for Nursing (FQI) 2.1, we are already setting important priorities here to support and maintain the health and ability to work of nursing staff. Our aim is to ensure that nursing staff remain motivated and healthy in their profession for as long as possible. Strengthening the resilience of nursing staff is a very important approach here. The PRO*PFLEGE project of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society makes an important contribution to strengthening nursing care," emphasized Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Alexander Schweitzer. ..." You can find the press release here
The Rhineland-Palatinate Accident Insurance Fund

The implementation of the pilot course was financially supported by Unfallkasse Rhineland-Palatinate. As an accident insurer, Unfallkasse Rhineland-Palatinate is committed to keeping employees in the healthcare sector healthy and supporting their ability to work. The preventive, health-promoting mandate of accident insurers is enshrined in Section 1 of SGB IIV. The Unfallkasse is happy to fulfill this mandate with the PRO*PFLEGE project. The accident insurance fund continues to support PRO*PFLEGE.
The Francis Foundation for Care

The Franziskus Foundation for Nursing was also a financial sponsor of the Piolot course
"The St. Francis Foundation for Care operates under the motto: RECOGNIZE - PROMOTE - RESPONSIBILITY. The Franziskus-Stiftung für Pflege was founded on 28.11.2016.
The purpose of the foundation is to promote the tasks of charity as an expression of the life and essence of the Catholic Church, in particular the communication of Christian values. This is achieved primarily through
- The promotion of nursing professionals
- The promotion of the further development of the nursing professions in research, education and practice
- The promotion of professionalism within the health and social care system
- The recognition of current emergencies and the promotion of the development, testing and implementation of new offers of help." (Franziskus Foundation for Care 2022)
The aim of the PRO*PFLEGE project: Nursing ethics - health promotion - professionalism as an intervention to increase the resilience of nursing professionals is in line with the aims of the Franziskus-Stiftung für Pflege foundation. The Board of Directors has therefore gladly agreed to financially support the PRO*PFLEGE 2023 pilot project. It supports the sustainable continuation of the project.