PRO*PFLEGE (Nursing Ethics - Health Promotion - Professionalism)
Certificate course for nurses within the framework of occupational health management
BGM project | PRO*PFLEGE (care ethics - health promotion - professionalism) |
Duration | 01.11.2022 - 31.12.2023 |
Background | Nursing staff are exposed to high levels of health stress. Mental stress in particular is high and continues to increase. Studies show that professional ethical challenges play a fundamental role in the development of psychological stress. Ethical stress causes health problems such as depression and burnout. They can lead to a reduction in the scope of the job and to leaving the profession. Despite this, the correlations are largely unnoticed in Germany, care facilities have not yet taken action against them, and the creation and integration of appropriate training programs into occupational health management is still pending. |
Aim of the BGM project | The PRO*PFLEGE BGM project provides nursing staff in Rhineland-Palatinate with a health education program that combines nursing ethics, health promotion and professionalism to increase resilience and strengthen the BGM of the facilities. |
Special significance of the project | For the first time in Germany, the burden placed on nursing staff by professional nursing activities is placed directly in the context of health professionalism, not only as an effect but also as a cause. Professional nursing action needs spaces of facilitation, and the basis for this is the acquisition of skills in the nursing profession. Qualified care professionals are more resilient, they contribute to increasing the resilience of care facilities and ensure the care of the population. |
Project sponsors and cooperation partners | In addition to the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the PRO*PFLEGE BGM project isfinancially supported by the Unfallkasse RLP and Franziskus-Stiftung für Pflege. The Westpfalz Klinikum GmbH and cusanus trägergesellschaft trier mbH (ctt) arecooperation partners. The Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health from Switzerlandis an international cooperation partner . The project receivesidealistic support from the Rhineland-Palatinate State Chamber of Nursing, the Dachverband der Pflegeorganisationen e.V. (DPO) and other professional nursing organizations. |
Innovative content of the project | Rhineland-Palatinate is once again demonstrating its unique selling point as a care-sensitive federal state . The lighthouse project PRO*PFLEGEemphasizes its pioneering role for future-oriented innovations in care. Nursing staff benefit from the novelty of the BGM project. Until now, the connection between professional ethics, nursing expertise and health was unclear and the field was unoccupied .PRO*PFLEGE now brings together this triad of professional nursing action to strengthen resilience. The pilot course offers nursing professionals a development partnership to ensure a perfect fit and sustainability. The nursing facilities in Rhineland-Palatinate that allow their employees to participate in the pilot course and in the innovative PRO*PFLEGE educational program in the future actively promote the health of their employees. Strengthening resilience enables employees to cope better with the challenges of everyday care work. Even in crisis situations, they can draw on a portfolio of new resources to help them cope. The PRO*PFLEGE innovation can become an important component of the BGM of care companies and contribute to the corporate goals of high-quality health care. |
Sustainability | Sustainability is ensured through interlocking modules: During the project phase, the PRO*PFLEGE BGM project is publicized with appropriate elements of public relations work. The project results of the PRO*PFLEGE BGMproject gain public visibility through the concluding symposium, publications and congress contributions .Good networking serves to acquire participants for the follow-up courses after the end of the project. This has two levels of approach: TOP-Down, PRO*PFLEGE is advertised in Rhineland-Palatinate care companies. The aim is to motivate and release employees to take part in the course. PRO*PFLEGE is presented to the nursing staff at the bottom-up. The third pillar of securing sustainability after the end of the project is to be achieved by securing financial support for follow-up PRO*PFLEGE courses, e.g. through funding from the Prevention Act and the ESF. The prerequisites for this are to be created in the project; the organization and, if necessary, initiation of funding opportunities should be part of project phase I in particular. |
Project structure | Phase I 11/2022-02/2023:
Phase II 03/2023-12/2023:
The PRO*PFLEGE project is funded by