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Skilled Worker and Qualification Initiative Nursing 2.1 2018 - 2024 (FQI Nursing 2.1)

The Health Research Network supports the FQI 2.1

"The state government has further developed the FQI Nursing 2.1 in close cooperation with the project partners from the Rhineland-Palatinate healthcare and nursing sectors. Together, we want to advance digitalization in nursing and further modernize nursing training.

In addition to the five existing fields of action of FQI 2.0, we have expanded the agreement for FQI Nursing 2.1 to include the sixth field of action "Digitalization and new technologies in nursing". With this new field of action, we want to identify and make greater use of the potential of digital technologies in nursing training and in everyday nursing care in order to relieve the burden on nursing staff. We want to use digitalization to further develop initial and further training in the care sector through new methods and techniques.

We also want to strengthen the nursing profession through new skills and activities. The nursing profession has changed in recent years. We want nurses to be able to make even better use of their diverse skills and abilities in the care of patients. For a future-oriented professional development, we have included the reserved nursing tasks and the independent exercise of curative activities as a new objective in the FQI Nursing 2.1 agreement." (Homepage of the MASTD-RLP 2022)

The update of the FQI 2.1 agreement can be found at https://mastd.rlp.de/fileadmin/06/Pflege/Pflege_Dokumente/2022_Fachkraefte_2.1_Pflege_webb_.pdf



Skilled Worker and Qualification Initiative Nursing 2.0 - 2018 to 2022 (FQI 2.0)

The Research Network Health is a partner of FQI 2.0

The state government and its partners from the healthcare and nursing sectors in Rhineland-Palatinate have agreed on common goals and concrete measures to secure a skilled workforce with the Skilled Workers and Qualification Initiative for Nursing 2.0.

Participation in the Skilled Workers and Qualification Initiative 1.0 and 2.0

From 2012 to 2015, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society oversaw the pioneering first Skilled Workforce and Qualification Initiative (FQI), which continued with the development and signing of the agreement on the Skilled Workforce and Qualification Initiative for Nursing 2.0 (2018 to 2022) (FQI 2.0). The process began in spring 2017 and took almost two years to complete. Andrea Kuhn, coordinator of the research network, represented the university in the conception phase of the agreement. After eight full-day meetings with all of the state's care-relevant bodies as partners, the agreement was signed in November 2018.

The FQI 2.0 contains agreements on securing skilled workers in five fields of action:

  1. Future-oriented forms of training, studies and further training in nursing
  2. Further development and framework conditions for the nursing professions
  3. Attractive employment conditions
  4. Integration of foreign nursing staff
  5. Public relations work.

The fields of action are divided into 22 sub-fields, which consist of a total of 85 specific agreements between the partners. Each sub-field of action is assigned a caretaker from among the signatories; they are responsible for implementing the agreements.

FQI 2.0 steering group

To implement FQI 2.0, the Ministry set up a steering group in 2019 that meets twice a year in Mainz to report. The university is represented there by Professor Dr. Esther Berkemer and Andrea Kuhn, depending on the field of activity. Two meetings have taken place so far. The fact that the university takes the implementation of the promised contributions to FQI 2.0 via the Health Research Network very seriously was well received throughout the state. The committee also appreciated the efforts of the Department of Social and Health Care and the University of Trier to implement the primary qualification.

The contributions of the Health Research Network can be found here, the  contributions of Faculty IV Social and Health Care can be found here

Further information on FQI 2.0 can be found on the website of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Health and Demography under this link

Contact us

Dr. Andrea Kuhn

Andrea Kuhn

Projektleiterin & NetzwerkkoordinatorinForschungsnetzwerk Gesundheit

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.129+49 621 5203-244+49 152 21884938